Monthly Archives: March 2014

Connecting Kids to the Global Game

How often do your young players think about the beautiful game?  Is it only during practice and games, or does their interest in the sport extend beyond that?  Particularly in America, do young players follow the examples of the pros?  Do they model their game after their heroes they see on tv?

Because it is the global game, soccer offers opportunities to learn about other people and cultures.  Can we use it to open the minds of young players and connect them to the world beyond their neighborhood?  The world is getting smaller all the time, yet culture still plays a large role in defining how different peoples play the game.

The World Cup is the perfect time to introduce kids to the other participating countries.  Show them the universality of the game, that they are connected to kids all over the world by the simple fact that they are playing a game that is played by people all over the world.  It is a wonderful way to open a door for our kids.